Certified quality management system ISO 9001

CEDOMSERVICE – Concrete stations
S.C. CEDOMSERVICE S.R.L. located in Ploiesti, Pictor Rosenthal, street, no. 12 , Prahova County Romania, VAT number RO18262969, Trade Registry Number J-29/007/2007, implemented and works under a management sistem witch meets the SR EN ISO 9001 : 2008 standard for the following fields: CONCRETE PLANT PRODUCTION, CONCRETE PLANT REPAIRS AND UPGRADES AND A WIDE RANGE OF SPARE PARTS.
Products and services
Concret Plants
Our company manufactures fixed, mobile, semimobile ” DELTA ” concret stations witha production range between 20 and 150 m³ / h. Our concret stations are equipped with the following tipes of mixers:
- mixers with a horizontal shaft (buid by our company)
- mixers with two horizontal shafts (imported)
- planetary mixers (imported)
” DELTA ” concret stations are modern equipments fully automatated, competitive on the Eurpeean and Romaninan market. Easy and fast to assamble. ” DELTA ” concret stations are made of 3 modules:
- a – scaffolding ( supporting legs, stairway, railings )
- b – the platform composed of: mixer, aggregates cup, additives, cement, water dispensers
- c – aggregates dispenser, with dozatorul de agregate, with dosing and weighing conveyor belt.
The entire concret production proces is completly automatated. Cement, water and additive dosing is made gravimetric with load cells.
Automatic dosing systems
Wer produce automated dosing systems for all types of concret stations. They are modren, up-to-date, last generation equipments with an easy operating system. The control panel is made for two types of use.
They are:
– manual work mode. In this work mode the operator can acces the control on the left side of the control panel and can watch the tasks being performed on the synoptic panel while keeping an eye on the quantities on all four scales.
– automatic work mode. In this work mode the operator imputs the necesary settings fort the tyoe of concrete required and the mixer load.
Keep in mind!
In both working modese, the quality of the weighing system, based on the high resolution load cells and high precision electronic system ensure a margin of error below 1%.
Programing of the required concrete quantity is done directly in cubic meters.
The operating system allows automatic adjustments of dynamic errors that might occur during the dosing.
Spare parts for concrete stations
CEDOMSERVICE SRL deals withe everyting related to concrete stations
- capital repairs
- current repairs
- spare parts
- concrete stations modernization
- concrete stations automation
- concrete stations refurbishments
- installation and commissioning